Tag Archives: physics

There is no such thing as a real void


There is no such thing as a real void.
I just read this
in ‘seven brief lessons on physics’.
No thing is ever really empty.
The glass, or the bucket,
before it is filled,
swarms with the tiniest of particles –
invisible forces that leap and bump,
disperse and collect, like a
flock of finches in the midst of flight
gliding across the vast and open sky
as if inseparably, one.
There is no such thing as a real void
so when you tell me you are empty
or lost to yourself, when you say
hope has dried up and left
behind only a hollow husk
I know we are blinded by sight.
There is no such thing as a real void.
You contain multitudes
and I am determined to leer
beyond the first glance
beyond the grime that lurks at the surface
beyond the reach of my arm
and its inability to grasp air, space, time
and loss. I am determined
to leer into the void
where all that is born
is of the same celestial seed,
where snails and turtles,
butterflies and humans
all share one ancient ancestor
and where, in the darkest and loneliest
and bleakest of holes,
all we know
is that when a star collapses
a universe is born.